Decentralized identifiers are an identifier which enables a verifiable, digital identity. These identities can refer to a person, organisation, thing or entity.
Whether we want to open a bank account, use services, vote in an election or get a job - we require identifiers. And we are reliant on centralised authorities who control our identities.
The key with decentralized identifiers are that they are held, issues and controlled by individuals. They are stored on the blockchain or peer-to-peer networks. A holder can provide the necessary data when someone needs to validate it.
Decentralized identity is often used interchangeably with self-sovereign identity (SSI) and both are very similar in that they are use cases for blockchain-based identity management.
Watch this video and learn what DID's are and how DID's can be used in everyday life
These are the main reasons as to why DID's are important: